Publication: New special issue Journal of World Popular Music

Dear all,

we are very pleased to announce the publication of a new issue of the Journal of World Popular Music: this special issue is guest-edited by the research group “Come suona la Toscana”, a project based at the University of Florence, Italy, and specifically by Maurizio Agamennone, Antonella Dicuonzo, Daniele Palma, Ludovico Peroni, and Giulia Sarno. 

See here the new issue of the Journal of World Popular Music

The topic "Between Memory and Knowledge—Sounding the Pandemic” is explored through an introduction by Daniele Palma (Snapshots of Pandemic Musicking between Memory and Knowledge) and five contributions, partially stemming from our 2020 conference “Sounds of the Pandemic” (

Juan Bermúdez, It’s All About “Being There”: Rethinking Presence and Co-Presence in the Ethnographic Field during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic

Ilaria Meloni, Elisha Orcarus Allasso, Going “Viral” Wayang Elektrik, Wayang Climen and Other Forms of Online Javanese Shadow Puppet Theatre in the Time of Pandemic

Delia Dattilo, Changes and Chances in a Multipart Singing Community and Its Tradition, before and throughout the Global Isolation

Francesca Cireddu, Reflecting on Participation through Livestreaming Music Events in Times of Pandemic

Giacomo Bottà, Becoming Sustainable, Underground: Outdoor Parties Resisting Cultural Extractivism in the Pandemic Summer of 2020